Mr. Abiatar Ntinda

 Mr. Abiatar Ntinda 

The ATEL sub-section of ANS is responsible for the maintenance, support, repair and calibration of all Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) systems provided for air navigation services in the Namibian airspace. This is achieved by utilising specific management and testing apparatus combined with specialised knowledge to ensure the serviceability of systems at airports and at various sites throughout the country, in compliance with the NAMCARS requirements and standards of the ICAO.

Air Navigation Infrastructure

The air navigation infrastructure is located at some 69 sites located across the length and breadth of Namibia (as shown in the figure below), with technical support provided from the support base located at the Windhoek air traffic control centre.

The air navigation infrastructure provided is as follows:

  • Communication services including VHF radio services, all aeronautical fixed services, AFTN switch, centralised aeronautical data base system, voice communications switches, voice and data recording systems and ancillary equipment.
  • Navigation services including VOR/DME at Hosea Kutako, Walvis Bay, Keetmanshoop, Grootfontein and Ondangwa, ILS at Hosea Kutako and Walvis Bay and ancillary equipment. Further GNSS is approved as a primary navigation aid for VFR flights and as a secondary navigation aid for IFR flights.
  • Surveillance services including a primary and secondary surveillance system for Hosea Kutako, Wide Area Multilateration surveillance systems (WAM) configured for an approach-surveillance service for Hosea Kutako and Walvis Bay, a WAM surveillance system configured for the national area surveillance service and ancillary equipment. The WAM surveillance system also includes ADS-B capability. All flight plan and surveillance data is integrated in the Air Traffic Management (ATM) system, which is installed in the Windhoek ATCC located at Eros airport.